About the Neighborhood
Corcoran neighborhood is situated in the heart of south Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is bounded by East Lake Street to the north, East 36th Street to the south, Hiawatha Avenue to the east, and Cedar Avenue to the west.
Learn more about neighborhood demographics at MN Compass.
Corcoran is a mainly residential neighborhood – more than 60 percent of the land is used for single-family residences. The light-rail stop at Lake Street gives the neighborhood an easy connection to Downtown and the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
Neighbors in Corcoran regularly connect with each other using the independent online forums of E-Democracy and Next Door.
Corcoran neighborhood is named after the elementary school that was located in the area.
CNO is seeking a volunteer to write a more in-depth history of our neighborhood. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Eric Gustafson at eric@corcoranneighborhood.org or 612-724-7457.